it makes me happy.
Lately I seem to spend countless hours wandering around the ridiculously large hallways of places like Home Depot and Lowe's.
Last night our fruitless search for an area rug was comforted by multiple slices of pizza. After we wobbled on stools at the counter, pretending like we'd have pizza left for a to-go box, we headed over to the 7-11 to finish the night off with swedish fish and lottery tickets.
And it was there that I found what could possibly be the best postcards in the entire world. Now, please remember--the images that you are about to see are postcards. Yes, those things that you write on the back of--phrases like "wish you were here" or "weather couldn't be better" or "tulsa is much bigger than I thought it would be."
Maybe one wouldn't at first guess that another-such-someone would be interested in sending a loved one a forever memento of the fully first automated Post Office, but! that somebody wouldn't know that this such someone has a retired postmaster general in her family and yes, this former postmaster general would love to receive a postcard of, um, this fully automated Post Office:
I found a lovely card for my dear best friend, visiting in a few weeks. I think it's only fair that she knows about the potential threat of grimacing bare chested mermaids here in Southern England before she visits.

And my personal favorite. Because you know, despite whatever "postcard norms" are out there--and trust me, they exist, what else is going to break the mold and really make a statement than a postcard of a fire. A fire at an old mill. Now that's a postcard that's going to make you think.

Damn, it was a good night.
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