to do: make to do list.
I adore lists.
And being Friday, it's time to make the weekend to-do list that will be faithfully ignored until Sunday night when I scramble around to look productive. And then end up falling asleep to SVU reruns on USA.
for the first weekend of december:
1) buy groceries. try to incorporate green things. don't forget dog food. less dog give you wicked evil eye.
2) take long walk in wooded area. preferably holding hands with someone.
3) mail important things. like bills and shoes.
4) attempt to take photographs of goodies for online imaginary (so far) store.
5) try not to wear sweatpants the entire weekend. at least not 15% of the time.
6) finish laundry. put clean clothes away instead of choosing outfits from massive pile on spare bed.
7) give new teapot a test run.
8) finish creating "office in a bag." i'll give you the tour next week.
9) call my mom. and best friend. and sister.
9 being my lucky number, I'll leave it at that. I'd like to cram a little thrifting in the mix, but we'll see. Shit, "we'll see" is mom language for "no." I'm already letting myself down, without realizing it.
Happy Weekending to All.
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