07 February 2008

because i've resorted to watching reruns of reruns.

I'm know I'm about three years behind on the bandwagon---but I just made my pitiful morning so better by signing up for my free trial on Netflix.

Thanks, Netflix, for this free trial.

(And my morning could have been worse. It's not like I don't have coffee. I just didn't have hot water. Therefore, a shower. Therefore, a nice clean awake feeling.)

But anyway, netflix! Lately I seem to have forgotten about movies. Thanks to a gift card stuck in my stocking from my sweetie, I saw a fantastic movie just a couple of weeks ago and since then I've thought: movies! i need to see more movies! It's rejuvenated my movie mojo, so to speak.

I have to say, I've got a bit of greedy queue fever right now. You'd think it's my new job to watch movies, the way I'm throwing 'em in there, left & right. I want them all! drama, indie, comedy, foreign, award winning! whew! Now I do need that cold shower!

If you have any suggestions for movies that have changed your life, please do share. (and if it didn't change your life, did it make you laugh really, really hard? hard enough to pee a little? that'll do too.)

I'm trying to re-learn to knit. Which, is going to happen while Netflix and I become very, very close. Now, if you excuse me, I think I need to re-re-re-re-rearrange my queue. Again.

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