13 February 2008

the f word.

why i like feminism:

I like to vote.
And wear pants.
And make as much money as my male counterpoint.

I like to drink in public.
I like reading whatever books I choose.

I like to consider certain people enemies.
I enjoy the concept of owning my own body.
I think equality sounds peachy.

I like writing emails and making phone calls to people like this.
I throughly enjoyed going to college.
I believe rape should have serious, lawful consequences.
I think maternity leave is nice.

I like being able to talk about my vagina.
I like having the option of whether or not to reproduce.
And not to mention, my kitchen floor is usually too dirty to stand on with bare feet.

I like to own property.
I enjoy respect.

I think it's nice that my career decisions aren't decided by how fast I can type.


You know, just one of those rainy Wednesdays where I like to ponder on this endless list of why I embrace and identify so strongly with this f-word.

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